We know that finding a church home can be difficult. You may be looking to find a place to connect and develop meaningful relationships or for relevant Biblical preaching which addresses real world issues of life.

Home should be a safe place, a place where you don’t have to earn your position in the family. The best churches are those whose people have found rest for their weary souls in the finished work of Jesus. At Grace Providence Church, we gather to celebrate the good news of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus that secures a place in His family for all who trust upon Him. GPC is a place where the hope of grace is alive, God’s word is central and people are not afraid to love.

Whatever your reasons, we at Grace Providence Church believe we can minister to you and your family no matter where you are on life’s journey. If you are looking for a church home, we invite you to join us for one of our services. We look forward to meeting you.




A Southern California native, Ed was born and raised in Long Beach and attended public schools through high school. He came to know Jesus through the preaching of the Word during his junior year. When God called him to ministry, Ed enrolled at Biola University and graduated four years later as a Bible major.


His understanding of God’s word and work has also been shaped by events in his personal life, including two great trials. The first was the tragic end of his marriage, when his wife of 15 years took her own life after a major struggle with an unidentified hormonal disorder. God graciously provided Jan to support Ed and his three children through this traumatic loss. 2018 marks their 29th wedding anniversary.


God took Ed through a second major trial when their middle child was diagnosed with cancer. She died just a month shy of her 23rd birthday after a 12-year struggle with that disease.


In earlier years Ed pastored churches in Santa Maria and Redondo Beach. He is now retired after 33 years as a dental technician with the last 24 at the UCLA School of Dentistry. In retirement he resumed his studies at Talbot School of Theology, where he received an MA in Theology.


Ed began preaching regularly at Grace Providence Church in March 2015 and was called to serve as the pastor of this congregation six months later.









Valley Christian High School
10818 Artesia Blvd, Cerritos CA 90703

Click HERE for Google Maps directions


Sunday School – 10:00am
Worship Service – 11:00am

What to Expect

Visiting a church for the very first time can be a little daunting, especially if you don’t know what to expect. Below you will find out a little about our Sunday morning gatherings.


Each Sunday, Grace Providence Church meets at Valley Christian High School with Sunday School at 10:00 a.m.(off during summer) and our Worship Service at 11:00 a.m.   Our gatherings consist of worship through music, teaching from the Bible, prayer and connecting with each other.


If this is your first time at Grace Providence Church, it might be helpful to show up five minutes early just to get acquainted.


It is best to park in the lot closest to Artesia Blvd. After you park and walk on to the campus, make your way to Building C for Sunday School or the Chapel for the Worship Service.  Please help yourself to free hot drinks in the Chapel and stop by the information table to fill out a visitor card. Feel free to sit where you like.


The people at Grace Providence tend to wear casual everyday attire and it’s common to see people wearing shorts or jeans.  However, you will find a variety in attire so come in what you are comfortable wearing.


Nursery, Sunday school, and other ministries for children and youth are tailored each year to the needs of the congregation. Our Sunday school class meets in building C at 10:00am. Nursery is provided during the 11:00am worship service for children 0-3 years of age.  If you have a cell phone, we ask that you put it on vibrate so if your child needs you during the service, we can let you know.  Infants and children are also welcome in the main service.

Worship Service

Each service begins with announcements and an opening prayer followed by the worship of God through music.  The music is led by our music team with the accompaniment of piano & guitar and varies each week. Our songs are a mix of old and new which also includes traditional hymns. After the music, one of the pastors will provide teaching from the Bible.  Typically, we will work through a specific book of the Bible over several months. After the teaching, we respond to God with worship through music. The whole service lasts about an hour and fifteen minutes.


On the first Sunday of every month following the sermon, we remember the sacrifice of Jesus by celebrating the Lord’s Supper (Communion). All followers of Jesus are invited to participate.


On your way out, please stop by the back table to fill out a visitor card.  And if it happens to be a 1st Sunday of the month, make sure to join us for lunch and fellowship after the service. All are welcome!